Festival of Talents
(KG to Grade 2)

Fun, Inspiring, Creative Activities to develop the Social Skills, Life Skills and to bring out the Champion inside your kid!
Sishu Utsav is an annual Festival of Talents conducted by Frontline Group of Schools to identify the Talented kids of Tirupur.
This year, the events will be held on the following days:
Main Events
4th February 2024 (Sunday)
Frontline Millennium School,
Peruntholuvu road,
Off Dharapuram Road,
Tirupur - 641665.
Photo shoot
27th January 2024 (Saturday) - Frontliners
28th January 2024 (Sunday) - General Participants
Frontine NewGen International School, AKR Garden,
Kurinji Nagar Extension,
Sheriff Colony,
Tirupur – 641604.
The events are listed below. The top 3 winners in each category / event will be gifted with trophies & certificates. All participants will be provided with certificates & gifts.
Apart from these events, there will be a host of fun events for kids as well as parents.

Clash of Colors
Coloring sheets will be provided in the school.
Bring your own coloring materials. Only crayons & color pencils are allowed. Water colors, poster colors, oil paint, etc. are not allowed.
Judgement Criteria - coloring within the lines, color scheme, creativity
Duration - 20 minutes
Event only for - Pre-KG

Drawing Dazzle
Drawing sheets (1/4 of white chart) will be provided in the school.
Bring your own pencil & coloring materials. Only crayons & color pencils are allowed. Water colors, poster colors, oil paint, etc. are not allowed.
Judgement Criteria - neatness of drawing, coloring within the lines, color scheme, creativity
Duration - 20 minutes
Event only for - LKG

Little Sculptor
A clay modeling competition. The child must make models using clay. The models must only be made during the event and not before.
Note - Bring your own clay. Using molds are not allowed.
Judgement Criteria - creativity, neatness of display, number of models
Duration - 20 minutes
Event only for - UKG

Computer will be provided in the school.
The child must create a picture in MS Paint.
Judgement Criteria - creativity, neatness of drawing, color scheme, independency
Duration - 20 minutes
Event only for - Grade 1 & Grade 2

Step N’ Up
The child must dance for any child-friendly song. Songs which are not suitable for children are NOT allowed. Karaoke versions of unsuitable songs are also NOT allowed.
Note – The song must be submitted in a pendrive.
Judgement Criteria - choice of song, choreography, facial expressions, costume, grace of movements
Duration - 2 to 3 minutes
Event only for - Pre-KG, LKG, UKG

Character Carnival
The child should come dressed for the competition and enact & express his/her character. All themes are allowed.
Judgement Criteria - costume, uniqueness of theme / character, style, enactment, expressions
Duration - 2 to 3 minutes
Event only for - Pre-KG, LKG, UKG

Junior Singer
The child should sing a nursery rhyme or child friendly song. Karaoke & Background music are not allowed.
Note - Recitation of inappropriate songs will lead to disqualification.
Judgement Criteria - voice clarity, expressions, choice of song
Duration - 2 to 3 minutes
Event only for - UKG, Grade 1, Grade 2

Spell Wiz
A list of words will be given and the child will be asked to spell those words. A few unlisted words will also be asked based on the child’s age.
The word lists are given below. (The files will open in a new tab or download as PDF when you click on the links.)
Judgement Criteria - number of words, clarity of voice, spelling correctness
Duration - 5 minutes
Event only for - Grade 1, Grade 2

Once Upon a Teller
The child should recite a story in English / native language. Original / funny stories are encouraged.
Judgement Criteria - voice modulation, story structure, introduction of characters, clarity of story
Duration - 3 to 5 minutes
Event only for - LKG, UKG, Grade 1
Registrations for this event are closed.

Science Explorer
The child must display & explain a simple science concept of their choice.
Judgement Criteria - concept, clarity of explanation, creativity
Duration - 15 to 20 minutes
Event only for - Grade 1, Grade 2

Sharp Listener
A challenge for the listening & understanding ability of the child. The audio content will vary based on the age of the child.
Judgement Criteria - correctness of answers, accuracy, speed
Duration - as required
Event only for - Pre-KG, LKG, UKG, Grade 1, Grade 2
Registrations for this event are closed.

Yoga Champ
The child must perform a variety of yoga asanas within the given time limit.
Note - Ensure that the child is dressed appropriately.
Judgement Criteria - selection & number of asanas, body posture, perfection in execution
Duration - 2 to 3 minutes
Event only for - LKG, UKG, Grade 1, Grade 2

Artful Alphabet
A handwriting competition. Ruled sheet will be provided in the school. Content will be given in English.
The child will be judged on the neatness of his/her handwriting.
Judgement Criteria - legibility, spacing, letter size & shape, consistency
Duration - 15 to 20 minutes
Event only for - Grade 1, Grade 2

Little Athlete
A set of easy athletic events for the child which include running, throwing & jumping.
Judgement Criteria - as per the event
Duration - as per the event
Event only for - Pre-KG, LKG, UKG

Majestic Reader
A reading competition - Reading content (in English) will be given to read on the spot.
Judgement Criteria - pronunciation, clarity, intonation, reading speed
Duration - 3 to 5 minutes
Event only for - UKG, Grade 1, Grade 2

Tiny Builder
A LEGO building competition.
The child will be given LEGO building blocks to show his/her creativity.
Judgement Criteria - creativity, speed, explanation
Duration - 20 minutes
Event only for - Pre-KG, LKG

Budding Fashionista
A set of challenges to test the fashion sense of the child.
Judgement Criteria - fashion sense, creativity
Duration - 10 minutes
Event only for - Pre-KG

Parent & I
A fun event to test the connection between the parent & the child.
Judgement Criteria - compatibility, accuracy, humour
Duration - 10 minutes
Event only for - Pre-KG
Bonus Event – Photo Shoot – Guardians of Nature
Dates for the Photo Shoot:
27th January 2024 (Saturday) - Frontliners
28th January 2024 (Sunday) - General Participants
Once registered, a photo shoot session will be arranged for the child in our Frontline NewGen International School campus. (Instructions for the photo shoot will be intimated through phone.)
The photos will be uploaded in our Facebook page. The photo with the maximum number of likes, comments and shares will be chosen as the winner. Apart from the winner being chosen by the number of votes, prizes will be given under various categories such as Best Costume, Best Poser, Best Makeup, etc.
Deadline for entries: 26th January 2024
Venue for the Photo Shoot:
Frontline NewGen International School, AKR Garden,
Kurinji Nagar Extension,
Sheriff Colony,
Tirupur – 641604.

Event Categories
The participants are allowed to participate only in the events allocated for their respective categories. Each participant can only participate in a maximum of 3 events (excluding the bonus event).
Note - Children who are yet to join school can participate in the Pre-KG category.

Each category (Pre-KG to Grade 2) has been allocated certain events as shown in the image. A child can participate in a maximum of 3 events from the events listed for their category (excluding Bonus Event – Photo shoot contest). Parents can register their child for the events through our website.
Registration Confirmation
Once registered, you would receive a phone call from the school within 24 hours to confirm your registration. If you don’t receive a call, please contact 90959 33033.
Contact Us
For any queries, contact us on 90959 33033, 97519 33033.
Points to Note
♦ The events are for kids of KG to Grade 2 only.
♦ The events are for Tirupur kids only.
♦ Spot Registration can be done between 8.30 AM and 9.30 AM. However, only certain events will be available for Spot Registration.
♦ Registrations will close for certain events when a certain capacity is reached..
♦ All the events will start at 9.30 AM.
♦ Performances will be judged by theme, pronunciation, creativity, vocabulary, voice clarity, facial expressions, presentation, confidence, timing, grace of movement, actions and costume & properties. (wherever applicable)
♦ Lunch will be provided for the participants & their parents.
♦ Parents are requested to kindly cooperate with the organizers.
♦ The events are not just about competing, but also about having fun. Make sure to have fun!
Registration Form
Fill up the form below to register for the event.
Prior Registrations have been closed. Spot Registrations will be available from 8.30 AM to 9.30 AM on the Event day.